Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at the top of the 2020 Top 100 Women-Led Businesses in Massachusetts

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Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Laurie H. Glimcher MD, president and CEO, are No. 1 on the Commonwealth Institute (TCI) and the Globe Magazine’s list of the top 100 women-led businesses in MA. The list was published in the Boston Globe on November 8, 2020.

The Boston Globe and TCI partner to name the most noteworthy companies and nonprofits helmed by women.  This annual list includes leaders of health care companies, retail giants, construction heavyweights, financial institutions, nonprofits, and many more. The women featured on the list are responsible for thousands of employees and billions in revenue­.

For each organization, The Commonwealth Institute, a nonprofit that supports female business leaders, examined revenue or operating budget as well as other variables, including number of full-time employees in the state, workplace and management diversity, and innovative projects. TCI then ranked organizations according to its own formula. This is the 20th year that TCI has created the list and the eighth year that the Globe Magazine has partnered with the group.

Taken together, the 100 companies on the list represent a total revenue and operating budget of more than $71.1 billion.

See the full list of the top 100 women-led businesses in Massachusetts.

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