Comparison of Operative to Monitoring and Endocrine Therapy (COMET) Trial for Low Risk DCIS: A Phase III Prospective Randomized Trial

Protocol # :
Ductal Carcinoma in Situ
Disease Sites
Principal Investigator
Mittendorf, Elizabeth, Ann
Site Investigator
Chi, Dorcas
Constantine, Michael
Faggen, Meredith, G.
Site Research Nurses
Campbell, Margaret
Cronis, Charles, Lewis
Fleming, Norah, Michelle
Gentile, Alissa
Hershey, Allie
Hixon, Nicole, R.
Kasparian, Elizabeth
Kosinski, Michelle
Lehnus, Jaclyn
Marchetti, Kelly
O'Neil, Kelly
Pasquale, Kathryn, Mary
Piper, Audrey, L.
Roche, Kathleen, A.
Wong, Christine

Trial Description

This study looks at the risks and benefits of active monitoring (AM) compared to surgery
in the setting of a pragmatic prospective randomized trial for low risk DCIS. Our
overarching hypothesis is that management of low-risk Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS)
using an AM approach does not yield inferior cancer or quality of life outcomes compared
to surgery.

Eligibility Requirements

Inclusion Criteria:

- Diagnosis of unilateral, bilateral, unifocal, multifocal, or multicentric DCIS
without invasive breast cancer (date of diagnosis defined as the date of the first
pathology report that diagnosed the patient with DCIS) OR: atypia verging on DCIS
OR: DCIS + LCIS (mix and/or separate locations in the same breast)

- A patient who has had a lumpectomy or partial mastectomy with margins positive for
DCIS (i.e. <2mm/ink on tumor) as part of their treatment for a current DCIS
diagnosis is also eligible (post-excision bilateral mammogram required at enrollment
to establish a new baseline)

- No previous DCIS or invasive breast cancer in ipsilateral breast 5 years prior to
current DCIS diagnosis

- 40 years of age or older at time of DCIS diagnosis

- ECOG performance status 0 or 1

- No contraindication for surgery

- Baseline imaging (must include dimensions):

- Unilateral DCIS: contralateral normal mammogram ≤ 6 months of registration and
ipsilateral breast imaging ≤ 120 days of registration (must include ipsilateral
mammogram; can also include ultrasound or breast MRI)

- Bilateral DCIS: bilateral breast imaging ≤ 120 days of registration (must
include bilateral mammogram; can also include ultrasound or breast MRI)

- DCIS s/p lumpectomy: post excision mammogram on side of excision ≤ 60 days of

- Pathologic criteria:

- Any grade I DCIS (irrespective of necrosis/comedonecrosis)

- Any grade II DCIS (irrespective of necrosis/comedonecrosis)

- Absence of invasion or microinvasion

- Diagnosis of DCIS confirmed on core needle biopsy, vacuum-assisted or surgery ≤
120 days of registration

- ER(+) and/or PR(+) by IHC (≥ 10% staining or Allred score ≥ 4) unless atypia
verging on DCIS in which case biomarker criterion does not apply

- HER2 0, 1+, or 2+ by IHC if HER2 testing is performed

- Histology slides reviewed and agreement between two clinical pathologists (not
required to be at same institution) that pathology fulfills COMET eligibility
criteria. In cases of disagreement between the two pathology reviews about whether
or not a case fulfills the eligibility criteria, a third pathology review will be

- At least two sites of biopsy for those cases where individual mammographic extent of
calcifications exceeds 4 cm, with second biopsy benign or both sites fulfilling
pathology eligibility criteria (ER/PR testing required for second biopsy)

- Amenable to follow up examinations

- Ability to read, understand and evaluate study materials and willingness to sign a
written informed consent document

- Reads and speaks Spanish or English

Exclusion Criteria:

- Male DCIS

- Grade III DCIS

- Concurrent diagnosis of invasive or microinvasive breast cancer in either breast

- Documented mass on examination or mass/hypoechoic area on imaging at site of DCIS
prior to biopsy yielding diagnosis of DCIS, with exception of: subsequent lumpectomy
or partial mastectomy (with positive DCIS margins i.e. <2mm/ink on tumor) followed
by a post-surgery MMG; fibroadenoma at a distinct/separate site from site of DCIS;
or diagnosis of mass/hypoechoic area as a cyst or a papilloma. In cases of
uncertainty about whether the mass was present on physical examination prior to
biopsy, the following criteria should be applied: if mammogram noting abnormal
findings is diagnostic MMG = symptomatic/if mammogram noting abnormal findings is
screening MMG = asymptomatic. If a patient has a mass on imaging that is biopsied
(worked-up) and does not show invasive breast cancer, they are eligible. If a
patient has a mass on initial MMG that is not seen on subsequent MMG, they are
eligible (if initial mass occurred due to additional work-up).

- Any color/bloody nipple discharge (ipsilateral breast)

- Mammographic finding of BIRADS 4 or greater within 6 months prior to registration at
site of breast other than that of known DCIS, without pathologic assessment

- Use of investigational cancer agents within 6 weeks prior to diagnosis of DCIS

- Any serious and/or unstable pre-existing medical, psychiatric, or other existing
condition that would prevent compliance with the trial or consent process

- Pregnancy. If a woman has been confirmed as pregnant, she will not be eligible to
take part in the trial. If she suspects there is a chance that she may be pregnant,
a pregnancy test should be undertaken, although a pregnancy test for all women of
child-bearing potential is not mandatory. In addition, if a woman becomes pregnant
once registered to the trial, she can continue to be followed (endocrine therapy is
not a mandatory requirement of the study)

- Documented history of prior tamoxifen, aromatase inhibitor, or raloxifene use in the
6 months prior to registration

- Current use of exogenous hormones (i.e. oral progesterone)
